What do our customers want? We at Bankers have been considering that very question for the past few months, and we updated the Bankers website to reflect our discoveries.Our website has gone under construction a couple times these past few years and each time the improvements are even better than the last! The basic layout as we see it now was first developed by the marketing team in 2008. We decided late in 2010 that it was time for a home page makeover in order to accomplish our changing goals.
The new home page now features a more interactive layout and focuses on our “Shop Now” capabilities. Not only that, but updates are coming more frequently and new articles are posted a couple times a month! All of these changes have been made to keep customers like you coming back.
What else has changed? Well, Bankers best attributes have been highlighted and are seated prominently at the top of the page. After all, we are one of the only promotional product distributors to offer advertising calendars, embroidery and promotional graphics. As you browse our site, hopefully you’ll discover that our custom calendars are printed on site, decorations are done in a nearby facility and promotional graphics can be produced in any size and shape to meet your needs. We are proud of these abilities and now our webpage reflects that.
There are many new features on our home page. To keep it constantly up-to-date, snippets of our latest articles are listed at the bottom of the page and we even have a live Twitter feed. We love posting promotional product info as well as great deals and fun facts through social media. Join us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn if you haven’t already!