With the holiday hustle comes a lot of exposure to germs. Following are some simple steps you can take to help keep yourself and your family healthy this flu season:
Get vaccinated.
According to the CDC, influenza vaccination is safe and effective and is the single best way to help protect yourself and your family from the flu each year. Since the virus and the vaccine changes every year, it is important to get a vaccination annually.

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Wash your hands.
Frequent hand washing keeps lots of germs out of our bodies, including the influenza virus. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer.
Stay home if you don’t feel well.
Should you become infected, keep the germs from spreading by staying home – and don’t forget to take care of yourself!
Do the elbow cough.
Cough into elbows, not hands where it’s more likely to spread bacteria and viruses through touch.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Germs spread this way.
Clean and disinfect surfaces or objects.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work or school, especially when someone is ill.