Its PromotionalProductsWork! Week, so we’re having a blast raising awareness for our product
medium. Viral, mobile, highly targeted and inexpensive, promotional products are the only advertising medium capable of engaging all five senses. Adding a message to a tangible product turns an ordinary message into a marketing experience the audience can see, touch, hear, smell and even taste. Here are tips for top success with promotional products:
Consult with a pro:
From maintaining your brand standards, marketing to a niche, or simply addressing concerns with quality or budget, a promotional consultant will guide you through the process so that your campaign is seamless and successful.
Customize a target audience:
It seems obvious, but it is truly imperative to decide WHO you’re planning to give your promotional product to. Are you giving a gift to a loyal customer? Are you trying to win the hearts of parents by handing something out to children? That’s super important when it comes to selecting a product. And back to reason #1 – consult with a pro! In case you’re giving products to kids, you’ll want to make sure your product meets the standards of the The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). Case and point.
Make it Memorable:
If you’re investing in advertising, you want to make hay! Promotional products are no different than other advertising mediums… Consider going outside the box to make the best impression. From funky colors to 4-color-process-imprints, we can help you make them say, “wow!”
Add a tracking method:
How will you know it’s worked? Find a strategy to track it. Tie your product in with a digital component, or develop a mailing program.
Successful promotion campaigns don’t happen by chance. To realize goals, promotional products programs must be carefully planned, taking into consideration the audience, budget and, of course, the ultimate result to be gained. Our promotional consultants can help you navigate your way to a successful strategy.