The last Wednesday in September is National Women’s Health & Fitness Day. It is the nation’s largest health promotion event for women of all ages, focusing on a variety of topics including adolescent health, reproductive health, healthy aging, diet and exercise. This year, on September 27th, more than 500 groups across the country will host women’s health and fitness events at senior centers, hospitals, health clubs, park/recreation districts, local health/service organizations, schools, retirement communities, houses of worship and other community locations. An estimated 50,000 to 75,000 women of all ages are expected to participate in these local activities.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month follows in October. While most people are aware of breast cancer, many forget to take the steps to form a plan to detect the disease in its early stages and encourage others to do the same. Breast cancer touches all members of the family, so don’t limit awareness promotion to women; having the support group educated and informed is very important as well.
Pink will be showing up nearly everywhere. The real driver of pink business as far as the promotional products market is concerned, though, are the bread and butter of the non-profit sector: live events. It’s those 5K runs, charity walks, festivals, and so many of the other group gatherings you see every weekend in nearly every community in October that are helping to drive awareness and opportunities for your company to support the cause.
The American Cancer Society estimates that it gets about a fifth of its annual revenues in October, thanks to the many live events it sponsors and benefits from. It’s a pretty good bet that there’s not a single marketing event happening today – including the ones surrounding Breast Cancer Awareness Month – in which attendees don’t leave with a promotional item of some kind. Are you tapping into this opportunity to promote your business while supporting an important cause? You should be. That’s where marketing is headed. It seems like everyone is getting involved somehow.
Adult Coloring Books – There are many designs available from comfort to cause, many available kitted with colored pencils. This is an effective tool to raise awareness for teens and adults. It can also be a helpful distraction for patients when undergoing treatment.
Pink Sunglasses – One hundred percent UV protection delivers a safety reminder that sun protection is important for women’s health. Hand them out to participants of a walkathon/marathon.
Pink Ribbon Plantable Pin – is ideal for fundraising or donor gifts. Use it to plant the idea of better women’s health. Once planted, the flower will grow for a positive message of a healthy lifestyle.
An Insulated Pink Mug or Water Bottle – is a great item for a fundraiser or for a health-oriented company handout. Does your company have a corporate wellness programs in place? The drinkware can be an incentive. Place the mug or bottle on an employee’s desk for a constant reminder throughout the year of healthy habits and screenings.
A Women’s Health Guide & Pocket Slider or Calendars – these are handy and fit in a purse or bag with valuable tips to stay healthy all year.
Pens – pink, ribbon pens are easy to hand out at health fairs, wellness events and conferences. Attendees can be given the pen so they have a tool to take notes and later serves as a reminder.
Headwear – whether baseball cap, bandanna, stocking cap or rally wear, as cancer patients go through treatment these make a great giveaway.
Other popular items are t-shirts, stress relievers, tote bags, magnets, emery boards, shoe laces and wristbands. There are a lot of items that incorporate the ribbon shape as well. Search more ideas.
It’s not too late to make an important difference with women’s health promotions. National Women’s Health & Fitness Day and Breast Cancer Awareness Month are both important opportunities for you to get involved and promote your brand!