Bankers Advertising Articles

Pen Goes Viral on TikTok!

May 31, 2024

It all started when Sam Hart (@thesam_show on TikTok) signed the lease for her new apartment and received a promotional pen with the apartment building’s name on it. She loved the pen and took five more. When the ink ran out, she tried asking where she could buy more pens for herself and found out she could only buy the pen as a promotional item in bulk quantities. Hart was in a position at her former job that had the task of designing a yearly branded-merchandise campaign, so she pitched the pen. The pitch was approved and Hart distributed the pens around the office. Her coworkers raved. “I am the most popular person in the office because I am the one who procured these pens. I’m a hero, in fact,” Hart said.

The video currently has 1.3 million likes, 7,678 comments, 85,000 saves and 20,200 shares. The supplier got wind of the viral status on Thursday, May 2.

“As soon as we became aware of the video, we launched a campaign to capitalize on the increased interest,” said the company’s senior director of marketing and communications. “This included social media posts, blog content, email scripts and added attention on our website. Our sales team is actively engaging with our customers, letting them know about the popularity of the BIC® Intensity ClicTM Gel Pen and that we are its exclusive supplier…We quickly placed orders for more samples because we were getting triple the number of sample requests than we normally do. One of our customers even received 1,200 sample requests in 48 hours.” 

Knowing that viral fame doesn’t last long, Rosario says the team is already using this moment to shift attention to other products to hopefully maintain peoples’ attention and secure more orders.

The ICLGEL has become a popular item, and we also want to highlight the new BIC® Ferocity ClicTM Gel Pen, which is very similar to the ICLGEL but with a slimmer profile. For all the lefties out there, it also has a fast-drying ink – even though the gel in the ICLGEL dries pretty quickly too. The BIC® #FCLGEL Ferocity Clic Gel Pen is featured in our Summer Guide on page 14.

This isn’t the first time a pen from this supplier has gone viral on TikTok. In October 2020, the people were obsessed with the Sharpie S-Gel.

Promote your company with this pen – the virality speaks for itself.

Contact your Bankers Promotional Consultant for a sample and see for yourself!

Uncategorized — Molly Beavers @ 9:30 am

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